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CRISPR Therapeutics Revisits Weekly Resistance, Again

CRSP hit resistance for the 6th time since November 2021. Will it break it now?

During a period of five weeks between October and November 2023, CRSP’s price doubled. It went up from a low of $37.55 to a high of $76.16. It then slightly faded, and shortly after made another attempt higher. It could not, however, cross $76.97. That was its highest price since August 2022.

From that point, CRSP faded 28.27% in four days, all the way down to $55.21.

CRISPR Therapeutics’ weekly chart revealed that the stock was blocked by its best respected weekly moving average resistance lines, the 150-week SMA and 153-week SMA:

CRSP, overlaid with its 150-week SMA and 153-week SMA resistance lines, as of Monday, 25 December 2023, weekly chart

These moving averages registered as resistance lines in November and December of 2021.

CRISPR Therapeutics spent the next two weeks trading around the $60 area, while seeing moving average lines forming as support:

CRSP, overlaid with its best respected moving average support and resistance lines, as of Saturday, 6 January 2024, weekly chart

Three additional weeks went by, and CRSP spent them in the near price area, building momentum towards another future attempt higher. The stock respected the ascending 12-week EMA support line while the resistance lines moved lower:

CRSP, overlaid with its best respected moving average support and resistance lines, as of Saturday, 28 January 2024, weekly chart

Zooming in:

CRSP, overlaid with its best respected moving average support and resistance lines, as of Saturday, 28 January 2024, weekly chart, zoom in

CRSP bounced off its 13-week EMA support line and closed the following week facing up, preparing to attack its resistance lines, which continued their mild descent:

CRSP, riding its 13-week EMA, looking up to its 150-week SMA and 153-week SMA resistance lines, as of Sunday, 4 February 2024, weekly chart

CRISPR Therapeutics was quite volatile last week. It traded as low as $62.46 and touched a high of $72.49. The stock closed the week at $70.01.

Reviewing the weekly chart shows that the high CRSP hit was right at the resistance claws. Sellers were waiting at that area and started selling the stock, thus created a downward pressure that caused the stock to withdraw from its highs:

CRSP, weekly chart

Zooming in:

CRSP, weekly chart, zoom in

We’ll be watching CRISPR Therapeutics’ price action next week. Will it break above its resistance or go back to trade between its support and resistance areas?

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