Find the BEST Respected Moving Average Support & Resistance Lines

Bitcoin Bang!

After about 14 months respecting its resistance lines, BTCUSD smashed through them. Is this another Netflix move?

Almost a month ago we spotted a beautiful price pattern on BTCUSD’s weekly chart, similar to the pattern we identified with Netflix’s stock, NFLX.

We then asked: Is Bitcoin Brewing to Pull a Netflix?

Last week we received a convincing start:

BTCUSD with its support and resistance MA lines as posted on Monday, 29 May 2023, weekly chart

Bitcoin’s price broke above its best respected moving average resistance lines:

  • 78-week SMA body resistance line ($27,318.34), registered 2022-04-11
  • 80-week SMA wick resistance line ($27,854.34), registered 2022-04-25

That’s a beautiful breakout.

We’ll be monitoring the cryptocurrency’s price action to see whether BTCUSD continues up, similar to the super strong breakout NFLX pulled in the last few weeks.

Auto.MA.T.Ka helps you find the BEST Respected Moving Average Support & Resistance Lines.

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