Find the BEST Respected Moving Average Support & Resistance Lines

Target Tightening Into a ‘Bermuda Triangle’

TGT fitted 3 additional weekly candles into the narrowing space of a make-or-break setup

It is interesting to see a stock respecting its moving average support and resistance lines.

Suspense is built into the chart when the support and resistance lines converge because we know that one of the lines will eventually break.

At the end of last year we wrote about a ‘Bermuda triangle’ formation observed TGT’s weekly chart.

In the 3 weeks that passed since, TGT kept trading right into the formation:

TGT, weekly chart

Zooming in:

TGT, weekly chart, zoom in

4 lines close in on TGT:

From below:

  • The 351-week EMA body support line
  • The 364-week EMA wick support line

From above:

  • The 40-week SMA body resistance line (took over the 35-week SMA a week ago)
  • The 43-week SMA wick resistance line

One of these lines sets will break soon. The question is – which one?

Auto.MA.T.Ka helps you find the BEST Respected Moving Average Support & Resistance Lines.

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