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QQQ Leaps off the Support Area

QQQ turned around in an impressive bounce off support. Will it continue the bounce or deflate in the upcoming shortened week?

After we analyzed the Qs price action last week (“Monitoring the QQQ at This Price Level“) we cooked some popcorn, sat back in a comfy seat, and watched how the Qs behave around the 172-week EMA body support line.

A picture is worth a thousand words, isn’t it? So, let’s take a look:

QQQ, weekly chart

Zooming in:

QQQ, weekly chart, zoom in

QQQ demonstrated an impressive bounce off that 172-week EMA body support line.

We’re not out of the woods yet but it’s a good start. Note the week opened above the body support line, which means the Qs kept respecting the 172-week EMA line and did not push it down and out.

As a reminder, the ‘original’ best respected body support line that carried the QQQ on its back since September 2009 was the 169-week EMA. However, it was breached by 0.44% last week and the 172-week EMA replaced it.

Curious to see how last week’s bounce looks like when overlaid with the ‘original’ 169-week EMA? Here it is:

QQQ, weekly chart, overlaid with the 169-week EMA, zoom in

While the spotlight is currently on the support side, we pay attention to the best respected resistance lines that hover above:

  • The 19-week SMA ($335.02, body, registered in January 2022)
  • The 24-week SMA ($346.04, wick, registered in April 2022)

As for next week, it’s a shortened trading week. Will the bounce continue or deflate? We still have some popcorn left (but we’ll cook a fresh round; ever tried a week-old popcorn?…)

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