Find the BEST Respected Moving Average Support & Resistance Lines

AMD in a Tight Spot on Today’s 5 Minute Chart

Supported by its 35 and 36 period SMA lines and stopped right at the 342 and 355 period SMA lines

Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) today traded up 6.3% and closed at $121.47.

The best body support line on a 5 minute chart – the 35 period SMA – was registered at 10:00 EST.

40 minutes later, at 10:40 EST, the 36 period SMA registered as the best wick support line. These two lines served the stock well throughout the day.

In the last 40 minutes of today’s session AMD banged its head against the 342 period SMA, that acts as the best respected body resistance line since February 10th at 14:55 (2:55 PM) EST.

One attempt to break it was blocked by the best respected wick resistance line that was nominated on the same date and time: February 10th at 14:55 (2:55 PM) EST.

An interesting observation is that last week these two resistance lines functioned as support lines.

Here is today’s 5 minute chart:

AMD, 5min chart, Automatka
AMD, 5 minute chart

Zooming in:

AMD, 5min chart, Automatka
AMD, 5 minute chart, zoom in

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